Procurement Playbook

Contract Interpretation Using Extrinsic Evidence Sinks Contractor’s Claim at the CBCA

In a recent decision, NOAA Maryland, LLC v. General Services Administration, the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (“CBCA”) looked to “extrinsic” evidence outside the contract to interpret whether the government was required to pay real estate taxes.  This case provides a reminder to contractors that while the CBCA is reluctant to look beyond the four corners of a contract and prudent contractors should make their contract terms explicit, Read More…

Roadmap to Bid Protests at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims

Despite the fact that the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC) has concurrent jurisdiction with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) over the vast majority of federal bid protests, GAO is the primary forum utilized by protesters—and by a wide margin. GAO handles approximately twenty-five times as many protests per year as the COFC. Read More…

An Overview of “Other Transaction Authority”

Other Transaction Authority (“OTA”) describes the streamlined procedures that federal agencies may use to procure innovative research or prototypes, without the constraints of a typical contract, grant, or cooperative agreement. This flexibility has made OTA an increasingly popular choice for federal acquisitions in recent years. OTA helps open the door for contractors to partner with the Government in new and exciting areas. Read More…

Contractor Waives its Right to Pursue Claim Through its Invoice for Final Payment

The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (the “Board”) recently issued another reminder in [Redacted], ASBCA No. 61065, that government contractors need to specifically reserve their rights to Contract Disputes Act claims in modifications and releases for final payment. While its name doesn’t quite rival the best of those associated with civil forfeiture cases (for example, Read More…