Douglas Oles Appointed to Board of Trustees of the Beavers Charitable Trust
Mon Jan 28, 2019
Douglas Oles, partner at Oles Morrison, is the newest member of the Board of Trustees of the Beavers Charitable Trust. Appointed by current board members, Douglas will help allocate grants and scholarships to schools and universities with civil engineering and construction management programs, as well as sponsor a variety of construction-related educational events around the country. Additionally, he will help to manage a trust of over $25 million which are solely derived from interest, dividends and equity appreciation earned from contributions made to the trust estate by the members of the Beavers.
A respected construction lawyer, Douglas Oles helps his clients avoid and resolve disputes on a wide variety of complex public and private contracts in the construction, supply, energy and real estate development industries. He also works as neutral mediator and arbitrator in contract-based disputes. With more than three decades of transactional, litigation and arbitration experience, Douglas has represented both claimants and respondents in resolving multiple disputes over $100,000,000 and in a wide variety of smaller cases.
The Beavers is a social, honorary organization formed, organized and managed by the construction companies and individuals who are or have engaged in heavy engineering construction. For more information, visit